19 July 2024

For some people, the sight of King Charles and Queen Camilla travelling down the Mall from Buckingham Palace in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach, pulled by six grey horses, ahead of the State Opening of Parliament, may have looked ridiculous in our ever expanding technological world!

A real King with a crown upon his head and a Queen dressed in white beside him would certainly have attracted the attention of visitors to the city and even hardened royalists, who seek out these public displays of monarchy whenever they can experience them.

I imagine someone who is good at arithmetic can calculate how much the nation benefits in additional income from these royal events. It may even be incalculable. But the colourful, if outmoded, public display of our constitutional Head of  State, actually adds a great deal to Government.

By contrast, we have the attempted assassination of a former President of the United States and one who has just become the Republican candidate for the election of a new President in November. Whatever our political views, the gunman’s attack on Trump was a shocking attack on democracy.

So what is to be gained with a royal coach and horses, a King with a crown upon his head and the formalities of  the State Opening of Parliament? There are three attractive features. Firstly, it roots our constitution in a very long and often distinguished history. This is reassuring even comforting.

Secondly, it makes the distinction between our Head of State and the Government visible to the public. Although their roles are different, they are tied together by law and the will of the people.  Thirdly, this pause in confrontational politics, reveals a more mannerly and even playful context in which to locate  our life together. It is something which cannot be secured by weaponry, only grace.


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