21 July 2024 - Sunday

When you come to the kirk, you come to a place apart. The ancient walls define a space which we call sacred because of what happens here. We do things together which have been done since time immemorial – we sing, we tell stories, we dress up, we pour water, break bread, drink wine.

In our contemporary world, the scientists continually make associations with these things and tell us how being together, singing songs, acknowledging something that is bigger than ourselves, participating in playful activity are all good for our physical and mental well-being.

But the world does not believe the scientists – and although that is disappointing it is also comforting. For the world doesn’t believe that God created the earth and Jesus is King of Kings so the world and the Kirk have to cope with much disbelief! But we find joy in the living God and His Word!

For you shall go out in joy

and be led back in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you

shall burst into song

and all the trees of the field

shall clap their hands.

Isaiah 55;13


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