30 July 2024

In a recent issue of the Church Times, it was reported that the number of ordinands in the Church of England had plummeted. This autumn, 370 ordinands were expected to begin their training. In 2020, the total stood at 591. This was the highest number since 2013.

This was the fruit of an initiative within the Church of England to encourage more vocations. This initiative had set a target of increasing vocations from 500 every year to 750! Their ambition was to secure what they called ‘a stable pool of 7,600 full-time clergy’. 

In a more recent initiative to explore why vocations to the ministry had plummeted, a hundred attendees at a series of conversations listed no less than sixty factors which may have contributed to ‘the current, complex vocational picture across the Church’.

No less than 71 people had identified ‘local clergy well-being’ as the most significant factor. Further down the list but by no means insignificant was ‘the clergy stipend/package’. This was mentioned by 21 people. This must surely be a significant factor in determining clergy well-being especially in today’s rising cost of living.

Other studies have confirmed that there is significant mental health issues and financial anxiety amongst clergy. I am sure this must be reflected in our own denomination too. Somehow the work of the minister has become much less attractive and able people are not drawn to sacrifice their gifts on this neglectful altar.

Clearly ministers are not in the job for the money but a decent stipend is a prerequisite for a more contented clergy. The pace of change is considerable. More training and support is required to enable ministers to accommodate these changes. Kirk Sessions must value and even  finance it.

This is essential if ministers  are to fulfil their vocation ‘to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ’.  (Ephesians 4;12,13)


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