10 August 2024

With the Paris Olympics in the background celebrating the remarkable achievements of men and women of many different nations, united together in a common playful arena, we have had to look  into the foreground of anti-immigrant protest, attacks on mosques and hotels  housing asylum-seekers and violence towards the police.

It has been an extraordinary contrast and an alarming set of circumstances. There has been much speculation about online influencers and the power of social media. The emphasis from the politicians has been on restoring law and order and ensuring prohibitive prison sentences are meted out to the worst offenders.

Tommy Robinson who is not only a far-right activist but also a convicted criminal somehow manages to harness one million followers to his online commentary. And this whilst sunbathing in Cyprus!  How does he manage to enthrall so many people with so much wickedness?

This is surely the more important aspect of these riots. Why are so many people influenced by this brutalising and dehumanising rhetoric? It is not simply the influence of social media because the same thing happened in Nazi Germany when the Jews rather than immigrants were scapegoated for the ills of a nation.

There is a capacity within human beings not only to do evil but to be given permission to do evil by belonging to a larger group of human beings who think in a similar way. The cycle needs to be broken. But how? The Church must play its part. Our gospel is simple – Love God, love your neighbour!

Unlike other parts of the UK, Scotland has reframed the issue of immigration positively  by declaring that it needs immigrants to rejuvenate our population and to undertake jobs for which Scots are unwilling, unable or unqualified to fulfil. Our need is satisfied by the gifts of others. This is a true community and a powerful tool to secure the peace of the earth.


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