13 August 2024

On Sunday, the opening hymn was ‘Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy’. It celebrates the presence of God throughout the day. It is a favourite of many people including an elder in one of the churches where I was preaching.

She associated it with a friend who had just died. They both belonged to a hand-chimes group. Each rehearsal began with the playing of this hymn. She remembered her friend when we sang it together. She described this choice of hymn as a ‘God-incidence’.

Perhaps Adriano Assis thought the same not of the hymn but of his belated attempt to claim his seat on the fateful flight from Cascavel to Sao Paulo. The hospital worker from Rio de Janeiro decided to grab a coffee as he waited for the check-in counter to open.

He was too late for the check-in and had an angry exchange with a Voepass attendant. The diligent member of staff stuck to his guns and, as it happens, his action had a profound effect upon Adriano’s life. ‘He ended up saving my life.’ he declared after the aeroplane spiralled out of control killing all 62 passengers and crew.

When old Simeon entered the Temple in Jerusalem, he met Mary and Joseph with the Christchild. He took the Christchild up in his arms and sang his famous song, ‘Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace’.  Was this a coincidence or a God-incidence as the elder said?

St. Luke says,  ‘Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the Temple…’ Clearly, Luke  understood it as the work of God. Of my choice of opening hymn and Adriano’s need to grab a quick coffee, we cannot be sure. Faith may illuminate. For those without faith, God acts in their lives too. Much of his work is unseen and unacknowledged for now!


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