17 August 2024

Do you know these Scottish proverbs? They are all about coping with worry and the things which distract us from living life to the full!

The first! ‘There’s nothing got by delay but dirt and lang nails!’ Can you guess what that’s all about? ‘Don’t procrastinate!’ Now is the time to be generous, to say sorry, to make peace!

The second! ‘Picnic spots are always better further on.’ You’ve experienced that, haven’t you? You’ve got the picnic in the car – but you can’t find the ideal place to stop. You’ve seen one place at the side of the road. A bit muddy? The view’s restricted. Someone else has parked there …

Let’s go a bit further on and on and on … Until the whole idea of a picnic becomes fraught with indecision and regret. ‘We should have stopped further back .. we missed … We missed the opportunity to be content!

The third! ‘A body should be in the fashion and smile.’ What adornment can match the smile? Why bother wearing expensive, fashionable clothes when the smile on your face beats all?

The smile is free and belongs to everyone. It’s never in nor out of fashion. No one needs it more than the one who hasn’t got one. And we all have the ability to give one away!

So don’t delay! Remember the dirt and the long nails. Be content with what you’ve got. And celebrate God’s gift of the day not by striving to be in the fashion but by making the simplest offering of all! Smile!


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