12 September 2024

I thought the Princess of Wales was bold and creative in the way she chose to mark the end of her chemotherapy and to inform the nation of her predicament. She invited us into the intimacy of her own  family circle to share the life she and her family enjoy together. It was startling and moving.

She made three important points about life and living. Firstly, gratitude. We benefit from the support of other people. She has drawn great strength from others and , as she said, she has found ‘everyone’s kindness, empathy and compassion … truly humbling’.

Secondly, simplicity. Facing our own vulnerability makes us look at life in a different way. The Princess has become ‘grateful for the simple yet important things in life, which so many of us often take for granted. Of simply loving and being loved.’

Thirdly, hope. As one who suffers from cancer, she is well placed to be a companion to others who suffer as well. ‘I remain with you, side by side, hand in hand.’ she said. And then, in a veiled allusion to  the Gospel of John, she made a hopeful statement born out of faith, ‘Out of darkness, can come light ..’

‘Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ..’ came to mind and its lessons about being attentive to the present moment, living one day at a time, embracing the natural environment and the values of the Kingdom of God – joy, love and peace.


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