4 September 2024

To be honest, I don’t think Keir Starmer and the Labour Government have made a hopeful beginning. What concerns me most of all is the two dimensional approach to the problems which have emerged. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of deep thinking.

Think about the riots. People were rightly appalled and concerned. Law and order was under threat. Quick and decisive action was required. Remarkably, this was achieved very quickly but at what cost? A lot of people were sent to prison overburdening a system which we had just been told was reaching its limit.

One woman  foolishly made an inflammatory comment on  social media  and was sent to prison. She is the sole carer for her husband.  What is going to happen to him? Was there not an alternative to prison for her? Those who try to destroy our community could surely be directed to build it up again?

None of this necessary action has resulted in any changes taking place in the communities which were seriously disturbed by the riots. Who is asking the questions, ‘Why did this happen and what can be done to rehabilitate our rioting neighbours?’

The decision to cut winter fuel payments to most pensioners was another swift decision made by the Government without thinking through the implications for those pensioners who were just above the threshold for the newly ascribed payment.

In both cases, there has been a lack of deep thinking. Swift action has taken place without thinking more deeply about what was best in the longer term. Deep thinking requires more time, more compassion, more care but it is the only way to infuse our nation with hope.


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